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产品名称: | 混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱源头厂家货发全国 |
产品型号: | DBD-3 | |
产品产地: | 中国大陆 | |
访问次数: | 304 | |
发布时间: | 2025/1/4 10:45:00 | |
混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱源头厂家货发全国适用于检验处于盐冻环境中的混凝土的抗冻性能,采用的是毛细吸水法的混凝土抗盐冻试验方法,主要用于海工、水工、桥梁、隧道、工业与民用建筑等各种混凝土工程的耐久性设计,是科研院校混凝土耐久性试验室的必备设备。 |
混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱源头厂家货发全国 DBD-3全自动混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱用途: 适用于检验处于盐冻环境中的混凝土的抗冻性能,采用的是毛细吸水法的混凝土抗盐冻试验方法,主要用于海工、水工、桥梁、隧道、工业与民用建筑等各种混凝土工程的耐久性设计,是科研院校混凝土耐久性试验室的必备设备。 执行标准: 1.《混凝土性能和耐久性能试验方法标准》GB/T50082-2009 2.《混凝土抗冻试验方法》RILEM TC 117-FDC 1995 3.《混凝土抗冻试验设备》JG/T243-2009 特点: 1、采用低噪音原装进口低温压缩机组,其噪音小于10dB。 2、温度可到达-40℃(订货前请说明),各点温度的极差不得超过1℃。 3、采用自主研发的微电脑控制仪,混凝土单边盐冻试验箱单边盐冻融试验箱厂家优质规格温度曲线可利用上位机软件进行编程设定。 4、可支持32点温度设定,每点*长时间为3600分钟。 5、控制仪自带内存,数据实时存储,并可自动导入计算机。 6、可实时动态显示,软件自带专业的曲线生成工具,和Excel数据报表导出功能。 技术参数与产品配置:
混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱源头厂家货发全国Shanghai Changfeng Experimental Instrument Co., Ltd. is a high-tech entity that integrates scientific research, development, production, and operation. We have a professional technical team and have developed over a hundred types of products over the years. Our main product categories include building energy-saving testing equipment, building material testing equipment, wire and cable testing equipment, asphalt testing equipment, geotechnical testing equipment, cement testing equipment, concrete testing equipment, pavement and subgrade testing equipment, waterproofing membrane equipment, universal material testing machine, pressure testing machine, tensile testing machine, ring steel testing machine, impact testing machine, fatigue testing machine, testing box and drying box A complete set of laboratory equipment including CA mortar testing instruments, concrete long-term durability testing instruments, steel structure testing equipment, meteorological monitoring equipment, fire monitoring equipment, pipe testing instruments, environmental testing instruments, civil defense equipment testing instruments, foundation pile testing instruments, artificial intelligence robots, wall brick testing instruments, non-destructive testing instruments, gypsum board and polystyrene board testing instruments, rock testing instruments, ceramic brick testing instruments, valve universal testing machines, traffic safety instruments, highway instruments, railway instruments, teaching instruments, civil engineering laboratory instruments, geotextile and geosynthetic material testing instruments, test sieves, etc. Our company can provide a complete set of laboratory testing instruments and equipment for highways, railways, bridges, cement plants, asphalt plants, pavement and subgrade material plants, mixing plants, municipal engineering, universities, and engineering quality inspection centers. Currently, we have exported to Asia (Mongolia, Pakistan, Lebanon, Yemen), Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Philippines), the Middle East (Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Palestine), Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), Europe (Russia, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, Ireland), Africa (Libya, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Rwanda, Senegal, Guinea, Nigeria, Namibia) More than 30 countries in North America (Canada, Panama, Cuba) have professional technical personnel providing instrument consulting, laboratory design and construction, technical explanations, installation and commissioning, equipment maintenance, etc 更新时间:2025/2/12 10:20:14 标签:混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱源头厂家货发全国 混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱源头厂家 混凝土单边盐冻融试验箱厂家 |
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